Welcome to Part Three of Mastering Brioche with Knit Graffiti: Increasing & Decreasing to Create Beautiful Two-Color Brioche Lace! In this course, Lesley Anne Robinson of Knit Graffiti Designs will be walking you through two NEW enhanced patterns which have both been designed for this course! This course is more intermediate, for those wanting to learn the 5 most commonly used increases and decreases. if you have not knit brioche before, I highly recommend taking Part One: Beginning with the Basics. Lesley will be showing these techniques both in the round and flat, as well as sharing all of her favorite brioche tips and tricks!
Videos have launched!! You can watch as much as you want, and as often as you want, FOREVER!! This course is always available for purchase, there is no time limit to learning brioche.
Included with Part Three:
- Two brand new enhanced patterns
- Prairie Lace Hat : A fuzzy, dreamy, delicate lace hat, knit using a combination of two-color brioche lace, a ribbed brim and a bit of stranded color work.
- Prairie Lace Shawl : An asymmetrical triangle shawl knit on the bias, with textural stripes of Prairie Brioche Lace and Two-Color Brioche. This is a fantastic pattern to learn brioche increases and decreases.
- At least 5 hours of exclusive video content, with Lesley Anne Robinson herself walking you through each pattern, as well as all techniques involved.
- Enhanced patterns with detailed notes and instructions. Much more than your normal Knit Graffiti pattern!
- Help along the way!! Lesley is available via email, as well as her Ravelry group, Knit Graffiti Designs, for help in choosing yarn colors, any questions or concerns, and extensive brioche knowledge.
Lesson One : Introduction to Part Three : Talking about the increases and decreases you’ll be learning, as well as the new patterns and materials.
Lesson Two : Prairie Lace Hat, shown in both English and Continental knitting styles. You will be able to skip to whichever method resembles your own knitting style the closest.
Lesson Three : Prairie Lace Shawl, shown in both English and Continental knitting styles. You will be able to skip to whichever method resembles your own knitting style the closest.
Lesson Four : Finishing and Fixing techniques
Accessing the course after purchase:
After purchasing your course, go to knitgraffiti.com, and log in to My Account (top right of homepage) using the username and password you used at checkout. Then after you log in, you will be able to see all of your account info, downloads and such. If you scroll down, you will see all the courses in which you are enrolled.