Brioche Knitting for Beginners and Beyond!! Your Definitive Guide to Creating Colorful, Lusciously Textured Knitwear
Where to buy
Brioche Knitting for Beginners and Beyond is finally HERE!!!! Order it from any of the sites listed below, or try your local bookstore. I am compiling a list of yarn shops as we speak! If you are a yarn shop and would like to stock my book, see below on how to contact me.
You can order it from all of the sites listed below:
It will also be available at many local yarn shops! I will have a list coming soon.
Yarn shops and Craft stores!
If you are a yarn shop or website, and are interested in carrying my book in your shop, you can order directly through Macmillan if you work with them, or you can order through Sommer Street Associates.
Pattern Information Available!
Please click on each link below to see all of the pattern and material information for all 16 patterns included in Brioche Knitting for Beginners and Beyond!
Chapter 1|whisper
Hint Hint
Chapter 2|ambient
Chapter 3|lustrous
moon & shadow
glorious & dazzling
shimmer & glisten
coffee & jewels
Chapter 4|vivid
drama & energy
sharp & graphic
striking & dynamic
glitz & glamour
What’s included
- ALL Patterns revealed!! 16 brand new super fun brioche patterns: 3 hats, 3 cowls, 3 sweaters and 7 shawls! See the slideshow below for a closer look at the patterns included. Please click on the links below to view all of the pattern information so that you can have your materials ready when the book arrives!
- Step-by-step photo tutorials on How to Brioche Knit
- Beginner Brioche tutorials
- Tutorials on brioche increases and decreases
- Extensive tips and tricks
- Fixing and Finishing techniques
Patreon Perk
If you sign up to be a Knit Graffiti Patron at the Advanced level, you will receive a SIGNED copy of this new book upon publication! You must pledge 2 consecutive months at this level to be eligible.
A bit of a back story
I was approached by publisher Page Street Publishing to create a book similar to my online course, Mastering Brioche with Knit Graffiti! Since those patterns are already available to the public, they asked for brand new patterns, but with the same end goal: learning and mastering brioche knitting. This new book is full of 16 BRAND NEW patterns, never before seen or knit!! There is also tons of information before the patterns on How to Brioche, with photo tutorials and all my fave tips and tricks.
I worked with all indie yarn dyers, a different one for each pattern! Shown on the front cover are 2 of the shawl patterns from the book, using Serendipitous Wool and Aya Fibers! As you can see, I was the model for all the photos!! My amazing husband took the photos in the book, which were taken around Corpus Christi, TX, the city where we live. I like to think of the book as telling a story about where we live, with photos taken in all our favorite spots.
What people are saying
Lesley’s incredible sense of color and obvious joy in knitting shines through every page of this beautiful book. It’s imbued with a sense of joie de vivre that’s a delight.
Susan Cropper, Loop London
If you are looking for a way to incorporate Brioche into your knitting repertoire, Brioche Knitting for Beginners and Beyond is a great place to start. There is nothing more motivating when learning a new technique than knitting that new technique with COLOR! Lesley brings together her passion for colors and the use of brioche knit technique to engage your knitting in a new and fun way!
Aimée Gille, La Bien Aimée
Brioche Knitting for Beginners and Beyond is THE brioche book for everyone! I always tell knitters that once they start brioche-ing, they’ll never go back! This addictive stitch brings a new rhythm to your knitting that will bring interest and a new level of engagement to your projects, and if you are like me, the squish factor alone will make you want to add in a little bit of brioche here and there in all of your projects. Lesley makes this advanced skill approachable for all levels of knitters in her new book. It’s like she is sitting there with you, sharing all of her best brioche secrets while cheering you on as you progress from a brioche newbie to a brioche master! Get ready to hear “What?! You made that!!??” as you knit all of these inspiring, color-packed knits!
Andrea Mowry, Drea Renee Knits
Lesley’s refreshing approach to knitting incorporates a strong foundation in technical proficiency. Brioche knitting is a difficult technique to master for many knitters. We are often contacted by our customers who have found brioche knitting made easier by using our Stiletto points but are also looking for additional instruction. Lesley’s approach begins with the basics and gently guides the knitter toward more difficult techniques. The step-by-step approach increases the knitter’s confidence, as they create beautiful projects. By infusing a fun and engaging approach to a technical guide to brioche, this will become a must-have book for any knitter.
Signature Needle Arts
What I love about Lesley’s designs and teachings is that her patterns are scalable: from entry level brioche to challenging masterpieces. She has very clear directions and photo tutorials for her modern silhouettes and designs that make you just want to dive in. Plus Lesley’s wit, whimsy, and joy comes across in these instructions and designs. This makes learning brioche fun; the knitter can accomplish these challenges because Lesley gives the reader everything they need to succeed. As a yarn shop owner, this makes it easy to get customers to take on this fascinating stitch, leading our knitters to continue to be inspired to knit their next brioche pattern.
Cadence Kidwell, Proprietress of Fuzzy Goat
Lesley does indeed open up the “magical world of brioche knitting”. She has taught multiple in person events for HCW with enthusiasm and a contagious can-do attitude ….this book has the exact same feel. Her patterns have that signature Lesley style!! She combines color, texture and rhythmic patterns to create fabrics that seem like a great choreographed dance.
I would recommend this book to a curious knitter as well as to an experienced brioche knitter….
Suzanne Middlebrooks, owner of Hill Country Weavers
Stay tuned for more information about the book!!